Sculpting Kits
Beginner Sculpting Kit
Beginner Sculpting Kit
The Beginner Sculpting Kit includes all of the basic materials required to sculpt 1-2 small figures in non-sulfur modeling clay or sculpting wax. The Beginner Sculpting Kit includes the following materials:
  • One pound of Sculpting Wax OR Classic Modeling Clay (2AB250, tan, soft)
  • 5' Copper Wire (18 gauge)
  • Figure Armature Template
  • Armature Board
  • Two Stainless Steel Modeling Tools
  • One Aluminum Loop Modeling Tool
Simply build the figure armature using the armature template and copper wire provided, model the wax or clay around the figure armature into the desired pose, attach the unfinished piece to the armature board, and finish sculpting finer detail using the sculpting tools provided to create your final work of art! Both clay and wax sculptures can be molded for casting in a variety of mediums; wax sculptures can be cast directly into bronze at your local foundry. Check out the accompanying videos featuring sculptor Mark Hopkins for further tips and instructions.

Sculpting with Wax - Advanced kit
Sculpting with Wax - Advanced kit
Sculpting with wax allows for directly casting one-of-a-kind pieces in bronze and creating quick sketches with sharp edges and detail. The Advanced Sculpting Kit includes all of the materials required to sculpt multiple small pieces in wax, either figures or animals, with the aid of high quality modeling tools and reference materials. The Sculpting with Wax Advanced Kit includes the following:

Figure Kit:
  • One pound of Sculpting Wax
  • 8' Copper Wire (18 gauge)
  • Template for Figure Armature
  • Armature Board
  • Modeling Tools
    • 2 Stainless Steel Tools
    • Wood Tool
    • Glyptic E Handle with 2 Medium Loops and Set of 4 Small Loops
  • Book - Figure Drawing - Design and Invention by Michael Hampton
Animal Kit:
  • One pound of Sculpting Wax
  • 8' Copper Wire (18 gauge)
  • Armature Board
  • Modeling Tools
    • 2 Stainless Steel Tools
    • 1 Wood Tool
    • 1 Glyptic E Handle with 2 Medium Loops and Set of 4 Small Loops
  • Book - The Art of Animal Drawing by Ken Hultgren
Simply build the figure armature using the armature template and copper wire provided, model the wax around the figure armature into the desired pose, attach the unfinished piece to the armature board, and finish sculpting finer detail using the tools provided to create your final work of art! Wax sculptures can be cast directly into bronze at your local foundry or molded for casting in a variety of mediums. Check out the accompanying videos featuring sculptor Mark Hopkins for further tips and instructions.

Animal Kit  
Figure Kit  
Sculpting with Clay - Advanced kit
Sculpting with Clay - Advanced kit
Sculpting with clay is the preferred method of modeling among many artists due to the texture, pliability, and ability to hold detail. The Advanced Sculpting Kit includes all of the materials required to sculpt multiple small pieces in clay, either figures or animals, with the aid of high quality modeling tools and reference materials. The Sculpting with Clay Advanced Kit includes the following:

Figure Kit:
  • Two pounds of Classic Modeling Clay (2AB250, tan, soft)
  • 12" Figure Armature
  • Armature Board
  • Modeling Tools
    • Two Stainless Steel Tools
    • Wood Tool
    • Glyptic E Handle with 2 Medium Loops and Set of 4 Small Loops
  • Book - Figure Drawing - Design and Invention by Michael Hampton
Animal Kit:
  • Two pounds of Classic Modeling Clay (2AB250, tan, soft)
  • 8' Copper Wire (18 gauge)
  • Armature Board
  • Modeling Tools
    • Two Stainless Steel Tools
    • Wood Tool
    • Glyptic E Handle with 2 Medium Loops and Set of 4 Small Loops
  • Book - The Art of Animal Drawing by Ken Hultgren
Simply build the figure armature using the armature template and copper wire provided, model the clay around the figure armature into the desired pose, attach the unfinished piece to the armature board, and finish sculpting finer detail using the tools provided to create your final work of art! Finished clay sculptures can be molded for casting in a variety of mediums. Check out the accompanying videos featuring sculptor Mark Hopkins for further tips and instructions.

Animal Kit  
Figure Kit  